Breakfast Recipes

Chocolate-Chia Pancakes

Finding the right pancake recipe isn’t easy. Obviously, the “right” pancake recipe depends all on your individual preferences, but personally, I like mine to be fluffy, yet not too dry; sweet, but not made with loads of sugar; and preferably healthy, but without tasting too healthy or being full of inaccessible, overpriced ingredients. If this […]

Dessert Recipes

Coconutty Chocolates With A Berry Jelly Centre

Happy Valentine’s Day! Despite not actually “celebrating” this day in any way, I’ll happily take the chance to create/get inspired by themed recipes, and what could be more fitting than chocolate? These delicious melt-in-your-mouth coconutty chocolates with a berry jelly filled centre recently happened to become quite the recipe-testing success if I dare say so […]

Breakfast Recipes

“Nutella” Porridge – Healthy and Vegan

Happy 2018! I hope everyone had a great start into the new year and an even better year ahead 🙂 With the New Year, there is always this feeling of a fresh new start and many of us decide to want to eat healthier. No more chocolate, ice cream and christmas cookies, but a strict […]

Breakfast Recipes

Chocolate – Gingerbread Nicecream

I know, it’s been quite a while since I last uploaded a post and I’ve dearly missed it – but life has just been too much in the way lately! First I spent three wonderful weeks in Thailand (if I ever get round to it, I’ll try to upload a travel diary!) and then school’s […]

Breakfast Recipes

Creamy Chocolate (Protein) Overnight Oats

Is there really anything better, than starting off your day with a big bowl full of warm, creamy oats? I don’t think so. Oatmeal the perfect comfort food, which has so many different variations to it and also packs in a decent amount of complex carbs, fibre and protein, making it a delicious and nourishing […]

Dessert Recipes Snacks

Cashew Cranberry Dark Chocolate Bark (Vegan | RSF)

Who doesn’t like chocolate? I honestly can’t imagine how anyone wouldn’t, as I’m a huge chocolate lover – it’s my absolute favourite flavour and I have chocolate in some form almost every day! Unfortunately, most commercial chocolate is often full of refined sugar, making it not the best food to eat on the regular and, […]