
3 Things I’ve Learned in 2018

And just like that, another year has almost passed. I keep saying this at the end of every year, but 2018 has passed in, like, a second? The years just seem to fly past faster and faster the older I become – not that I’m even anywhere near “old”, obviously, but still. If I were […]


January Favourites – Some Things I’ve Been Loving

I’d been meaning to do these favourites posts wayy more often, but turns out my last one is actually quite a while back now! These kind of posts are really some of my favourites to read because they never fail to introduce me to at least some new products/ideas – and since I’ve discovered so […]


Good-Bye 2017 + Some Goals for the New Year

As I’m writing this, there aren’t even 24 hours left of 2017, which is crazy to think about. As clichée as it is to say this: time flies! So much changes over the course of a year, even though you often don’t immediately realise it. My year has overall gone in a pretty good direction […]