
Body Questionaire

I can’t quite believe we’re already almost one entire month into the new year, but here we are. My January has been very standard – we celebrated my dad’s and my birthday, went out for indian food twice and I’ve had three exhausting weeks of school, which are now followed by one week of “ski break” (I’m not actually going skiing though 😀 ). As I have a little more time right now, I thought it was long overdue to write down my answers for the “body questionaire”, in which both my name sister Linda of The Fitty, as well as Cassie of Superfitbabe have tagged me in (thanks lovelies!). I found the questionaire very enjoyable to answer, as the questions really provoked some deeper thinking and more in-depth answers than most other tags/questionaires. Hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it! 🙂

  • What are my goals?
    In terms of education/career, I want to finish school with the best results possible to be able to get a scholarship for a good uni in the UK (I would so love to go to Cardiff Metropolitan Uni!). I will most likely study something to do with nutrition, but I don’t know exactly what job – just certainly one that is paid sufficiently and is fulfilling for me. Outside of school/uni/work, I want to improve my language skills, particularly in greek. Maybe I’ll also take up French again – I actually hate the language but I do know a good bit of basic French, so it would be a shame to waste this knowledge and with it all the years of studying it at school.As for life/health, I want to improve my fitness as well as mental health, in order to learn to love myself and my body – a major thing that I’ve been struggling with ever since I can remember. I also want to overcome my shyness and fear of meeting new people to finally make some more contacts and friends. Overall, I aim for a life that makes me happy in all aspects.
  • What type of body does this require? 

    I don’t think outer appearance plays a huge role for most of these goals, but (most likely) wanting to work in the health industry, a fit and perhaps slightly toned body would be desirable.Apart from outer appearance: an emotionally stable mind that can deal with all the stress that is bound to be involved in achieving these goals and stay positive during hard times – something I desperately need to work on.

  • Life/Health skills goals?

    move to the UK
    have my own family (married + kids)
    work in a job that I love
    be happy
    overcome as many of my fears as possible
    travel often and discover many new places
    become a bit more minimalistic + learn not to hold on to too many things too much
    build up strength + muscle mass
    improve my flexibility
    get sick as little as possible
    have a healthy relationship between working out + eating healthily & relaxing + enjoying “junk” food


  • What is my current physical condition? 

    I like to think I’m relatively fit(ish) – my stamina isn’t too bad and my strength is overall okay. What I yet have to work on are my upper body strength and flexibility.

  • What is my current real range of specific movement skills? 

    Intermediate to advanced in HIIT, intermediate in pilates, beginner to intermediate in flexibility/stretches and beginner in weight training (with machines, not free weights).

  • What health professionals do I need to consult? 

    I currently consult none, but honestly speaking it would probably not hurt meeting someone specialised in mental health. Still, I’m very stubborn in regards to consultance, so unless it is inevitable at some point, I won’t go to anyone and rather try to sort out my problems on my own (and right now, my mental health is rather improving!).

  • What classes can I possibly take? 

    There aren’t really any interesting classes in my area and being in my first A-Level year, I have very limited time as well. I do dance though, so I guess that counts as it’s movement.

  • What kind of workout do I want to do? 

    Firstly, I really want to get into weight training. Right now, I don’t have proper equipment (only really light dumbbells), but I plan on investing in a set of dumbbells with different weights to use at home.Around this time last year, I also got into a routine of doing some yoga every day and kept that up for 2-3 months until I stopped due to restricted time and laziness. I’d love to get into regular yoga practice again though.

    Mainly, I think I’m going to stick to what I do right no though: HIIT and Pilates – I just love both! I’ve also started to do a little kickboxing using fitnessblender videos, which is really nice too.

  • Where can I work out?Most of the time, I simply work out in my room, but during school weeks, I go to my school’s gym every now and then.
  • Wellness Schedule Plan (ideally):

    Well, that’s a little complicated as none of my days is the same in terms of structure and amount of free time, so I won’t include exact times for everything (& that’s not exactly what I do, just what I’d ideally do), but very generally speaking:Week days:
    6:30  get up
    6:30 – 7:00  get ready for school (brush teeth, rinse face, get dressed, maybe put on makeup if I’m motivated)
    7:00 – 7:40  make + eat a healthy breakfast
    7:40  head to school
    8:15 – midday/afternoon  school
    after school  free time activities (hip hop/guitar/greek lessons), do homework, write some study notes, work out + shower
    sometime between 19:00 – 20:30  dinner
    do some more hw/revision notes for about an hour
    relax/wind down – read + social media time
    bullet journaling + make a to-do list for the next day + choose workout videos for the next day
    10 mins yoga before bed
    be in bed by 22:00

    7:45 – 8:30  wake up & read a little
    get up & do yoga
    breakfast while watching youtube videos or reading
    do some school work/revision/greek hw/bullet journaling
    go on a walk/do more work/read/any other activity
    work out + shower
    social media/tv time
    read before bed (30 mins)
    be in bed by 23:00 (Friday & Saturday) or 22:00 (Sunday)

  • What am I going to do this week to move towards my goal?
    It’s the end of the week right now, so talking about this weekend and next week – I’m going to try and do some yoga right after getting up in the mornings, do at least 1 hour of studying and read a little every day.20170619_144014.jpg

    I tag Emma of Fruits and Routes do to this questionaire if she would like to, but also anyone who would be interesting in doing it as well!
    Or just tell me in the comments – what are your answers to some of these questions? I’d love to know!

    Linda xx

By toatallylinda

lover of food, books and coffee | you can also find me on instagram @toatallylinda :)

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